While using Super Free’s social features, please remember that you are engaging with real people around the world and may be exposed to User Content that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable. We strive to create an environment that is fun, fair, and safe for our players; however, we do not actively monitor User Content, though we retain the right to do so.

If you come across User Content that is objectionable, against the spirit of fun, fair, and safe, or violates our Terms of Service, please consider making a Player Report. 

Tips for reporting another player

  • DO Take screenshots
  • DO Report to CS immediately
  • DO Include a clear, concise reason for reporting a specific player
  • DO NOT Engage with the player you’re reporting, Arguing with a negative player can cause more trouble and may open yourself up to reports and possible disciplinary action as well.
  • DO NOT Send in multiple reports about the same player, only one report is enough to start an investigation
  • DO NOT Ask your teammates to report a player for the same issue. A single report will be sufficient to start an investigation and asking other players could open yourself up to reports, as mentioned above. 
Other things to Note
  • Negative behavior is unacceptable regardless of the circumstances or who started it. It can be tempting to respond to negative players with negativity of your own; however, doing so may put you at risk of being removed from social features. The only way to handle these types of players is to report them to CS
  • When a player is reported, Super Free Agents will investigate the report and, at our sole discretion, choose whether or not to take action. Any action taken in response to a report will be confidential and we will not discuss any information about the investigation, actions taken, or player information, with another player.